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writer:admin source:未知 date:2015-08-29 10:23

  • This is a perfect continuous processing line of nachines which are used to shrink the hnitted fabrics naturally and relaxedly.The working process is finished one time.From the cylinder cutting to the fabric preparing,Whice suited for ready-made garments production.Formaledhyed or softening agent is not used,so it's up to the mustard of available environment process.All units of the interknit line harmonize and cooperate to each other;Fabric entry,padding,expanding,relaxation baking,uniform stretchine,mechanical pre-shrinking device,delivery.Allthe longitudinal tension which produced in the pretreatment process can be furthestly eliminated and the original shape of the stitch can be resumed.Each unit of the processing line canbe used respectively ifnecessary.For example:shrink the knitted fabric in cylinders naturally and relaxedly or pre-shrink the woven fabric mechanically.The strip yoke in the uniform stenter is a new item.It plays an important role in the elastic knit treatment.A high-performance selvage gluing and drying device in the expanding area can enhance the running speed of the fabric.
VIROCK TEXTILE PRINTING&DYEING MACHINERY CO.,LTD. ADD:Virock Road 8#, Wangcheng Economic & Technological Development Zone, Hunan, China.
TEL:0086-731-88051998、88051878、88051788 FAX:0086-731-88051858 E_MAIL:shirley@virock.com